miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2012

Rob-Sten es una tomadura de pelo

Llega un momento en que la gente ya se harta de este circo y dice lo que realmente piensa y hay. (x)
"I love him, I love him!" and now silence: Why Rob and Kristen's attitude to fame reeks of hypocrisy.

Who’s the most attention-seeking celebrity couple in all of showbiz-land? Chantelle and Alex? Kim and Kanye? Katie Price and whichever poor man she’s attached herself to this week?
All wrong. In fact, it’s sanctimonious ‘protect our privacy’ bleaters Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. OK, so they might not tweet about their sex dungeon or write songs about each other, but actually, it would be a lot more honest (and quite frankly hilarious) if they did. Because like the couple in your office who <everyone> knows is doing it (which is OK for four days), Rob and Kristen have spent the best part of four years pretending ‘Noooo nothing’s going on! I don’t even like him! Kristen, who?’ while simultaneously conducting a relationship.

Take the recent photos of them out kissing - such a blatant attempt at publicity it seems to me they might as well be wearing matching baseball caps with ‘Breaking Dawn Part 2, out November 16, go see it, yeah?’ on them. And the worst part is they do all of this while pretending they just want to be left alone to ‘do their jobs’. Well, sorry guys, but like Bella you can’t have it both ways - you’re either full-on vampire fame-whores, feeding on the speculation about your private life or boring humans who no-one cares about.

Since meeting on the set of the first Twilight movie back in 2008, ‘Robsten’ have tried every not-so-secret tactic in the book - leaving hotels separately (good one, guys), holding hands when they think no-one’s looking except a red-carpet full of paparazzi, going out in 99p masks (which wouldn’t even fool Taylor Lautner on a slow day) and blanket refusing to discuss their coupledom in interviews, which all just serves to fuel the interest in them even more. And of course they know that. Because just like your inquisitive aunt who every single Christmas asks you if you’ve met someone special yet, the more you try and fight the public interest, the more interested they’ll be. Had Rob and Kristen just ‘fessed up from the start, changed their relationship statuses on Facebook and not made a big deal out of things, there might have been a collective ‘Oooh that’s nice, dears’, but that would’ve been that. And every single US gossip mag would’ve gone out of business. Especially now that Jennifer Aniston is getting married.

Just like Miley, The Jonas Brothers and Britney Spears all shouted about their virginity and brandished purity rings, then simultaneously made overtly sexy videos gyrating in their underwear (OK, maybe not the Jonas Brothers), the whole ‘Robsten’ saga reeks to me of hypocrisy.

Because when it suits <them>, they’ll happily play the gushing loved-up card. Like when K-Stew desperately needed to win some support after being caught PDA-ing with her married director Rupert Sanders, so she released this ridiculously OTT statement: ‘This momentary indiscretion has jeopardized the most important thing in my life, the person I love and respect the most, Rob.

I love him, I love him.’ Erm, hold up! You love him? Twice? We thought you weren’t even dating and that it was beyond the pale for journalists to even mention his name to you in interviews?!
But we should expect nothing less from Stewart, a woman who bemoans dressing up for the red carpet because she wants to be taken seriously, but will happily take a fat pay cheque to be the face of Balenciaga.

On second thoughts, maybe we should forgive R-Pattz and K-Stew. I think they're probably worried that without all the ‘Are-they-aren’t-they?’ speculation and frisson of secrecy, their relationship would get as boring as their off-duty wardrobes. So next time you see an awkward TV interview with ‘Robsten’ talking about breakfast cereal instead of their love life, pity them. If they weren’t so busy getting everyone to leave them alone, we might actually do just that.
Era más que obvio que ese patético comunicado después de las fotos Rupsten, era un intento desesperado por parte de ella de hacer ver que a quien ama es a Rob y lo de Rupert fue una vez. Estaba pidiendo socorro porque se estaba hundiendo.

Es curioso como ella decía "Le amo, le amo" y luego no han aparecido juntos hasta la 7 días antes de comenzar la promo en Australia. "Le amo, le amo" pero luego me "escondo" de la prensa y no confirmo nada. ¿A qué juegan? A engañar al fandom, a eso juegan.

Cuando les preguntan por su "relación", salen del paso con las respuestas más absurdas y bochornosas del mundo. Se comportan como idiotas. Una pareja real jamás se esconde pro mucha presión mediática que haya. Aparte, de que ellos necesitan la prensa detrás y por eso no niegan o confirman nada.

Salidas siempre con amigos, publicistas y a West Hollywood, donde se concentran todos los famosos y los paparazzis. Ellos no van a otra zona a cenar, tomar café o pasear como las personas normales. Tampoco salen solos nunca. Ellos siempre salen de noche, con el séquito y a donde más gente los vaya a ver juntos. Ya sabemos que ellos son muy privados.

Dos juguetes rotos que no tiene futuro alguno fuera de la saga. Ella no tiene talento y él quiere ser un perro faldero hasta que el montaje acabe, para luego ir lloriqueando en las entrevistas. Seamos sinceros: de aquí a dos años, sanie se acordará de estos bufones.

Kristen ha necesitado un lavado de imagen. Parecia algo reformada al principio pero su ego y su soberbia siempre salen a flote. Ha tenido que gastar mucho dinero para que ciertos medios se "olviden" de su relación co Rupert. Está usando a Rob y a su perro para que la gente no la apalee. Menuda payasa.

Ya es y siempre será recordada (si es que alguien lo hace), por esto.

Kristen Stewart Will Let You Watch Whatever Little Movie You Think Her Life Is 

Finally, somebody asked. Ever since Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson started their press tour for Twatlight: Breaking Hymen, Part 2, I've been waiting for some question asker to piss her off by asking, "So is RPattz still licking Rupert Sanders' saliva off your box or what?" Nobody has. But this morning, the producers of Today, programmed that question into Savannah Guthrie's hard drive and she spit it out at the very end of their interview with KStew (it's at the 2:56 mark above). Savannah asked, "Are you back together with Robert Pattinson?" While looking like a paint-huffing 9th grader getting the "drug talk" from her high school guidance counselor, KStew pretty much rolled her eyes and rose her flippin' off finger by answering it like this:
"Funny you mention that. I'm going to just let people watch whatever little movie they think our lives are. Keep 'em guessing, I always say."
Well, I guess every publicity stunt needs a bitch and KStew is the perfect one.
KStew released a public statement about passing her poon to married man mouth, her iPhone calls the paps every time she tells Siri to call her #1 and she's always wearing RPatt's clothes in those staged photo-ops, but yet she gets annoyed when people ask. I know I'm supposed to hate on her ass, but I just can't, because I appreciate a shameless bitch. It's like she's complaining about the fire being so hot when she's the one who fueled it. Oh, KStew, keep fucking that chicken ("Only if that chicken's married" - KStew).
 Adoro a Michael K al igual que adoro los comentarios.

Can we have an election to vote this dumb bitch out of the cuntry? She's the Katy Perry of hollywood, no talent but people keep buying her shit!
Change is coming through my Shadow

She probably thinks she's totally rebellious and hardcore because she didn't shower or brush her hair that day. What a badass.
You're in twilight, FFS!

I hope that her being the hacktress du jour of Hollywood is nearing its end. If she could act, that would be one thing, but her whiny, faux rebellion schtick is fucking tired and played out. Oh, and buy a brush, bitch.

 Does this person ever wash her hair. Gross.

 I have a piece of string cheese here that has a larger range of emotions than she does. 

I never watch the today show, but I managed to catch this interview while waiting for my BF to finish getting dressed. I totally think she is a lesbian and all the stuff with the director was staged and her "relationsip" with that goony looking Pattinson is a sham. There is no other explanation.

I totally think she is a lesbian and all the stuff with the director was staged and her "relationsip" with that goony looking Pattinson is a sham. There is no other explanation.

I assume she showers but does she realize she needs to use the soap and shampoo? Girlfriend always looks dirty.

The reason I hate this bitch so much is because she sits around pretending to be some kind of anti establishment rebel who is just above all the Hollywood bs when in actuality she is in a fake relationship and participated in a fake breakup for publicity to promote the movie TWILIGHT.
Bitch, when you are in a movie like Twilight, there is nothing anti establishment about you!!! She'll be rich forever because of this franchise, but I hope her acting career is DONE now.

She is such an unpleasant little snotty bitch.

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