martes, 16 de octubre de 2012

Un miserable circo es tratado de manera miserable

La mayoría de los medios coinciden en que todo es una estrategia de marketing y que ellos parecen dos miserables forzados a hacerlo. Sentiría pena por Rob pero ya no. Que se joda y que trague toda la mierda que se le viene encima. Le gusta ser un bufón pues será tratado como tal.

Vimos como Rob abrazaba a otra mujer que no es su fiel novia y como para ella no tiene sonrisas, sino caras de asco. Majete, apechuga que lo vas a cobrar bien sin dar palo al agua. La adúltera parecía acojonada, como si temiera que Rob se la liara frente a los paparazzis. Al día siguiente comieron con le mismo grupo de gente (las citas de pareja ni las conocen) y Rob volvía a lucir cabreado y miserable. Todo lo contrario a lo que nos ofreció con la rubia en NY. Ya hice las comparaciones de fotos en la publicación anterior.

Siguen si parecer una pareja y siguen arrastrando las caras de culo. Lo mejor es que para las enfermas, son caras de asco con amor. Como no conocen otra cosa, tienen que conformarse con la miseria que hay. Mucha "reconciliación" justo para la promo pero vuelven a salir rodeados de gente y con malas caras. ¡Si señor! ¡Esto es amor! Roberto, que te den.
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart Reunite: Together For Afternoon Lunch Date!

There was another sighting of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart together as they left a restaurant yesterday surrounded by friends/bodyguards.  Of course neither Edward nor Bella looked happy, affectionate, or sincere.  Why would they?  Rob hates Kristen since she shamed him in front of the entire world by betraying him like a cheap tramp and she has always been a miserable bitch anyway.

Robert wore a t-shirt with a massive ‘GERMS’ logo emblazoned on the front – no doubt a direct reference to the Trampire and her spit-swapping with Rupert Sanders.  Of course Rob sees Kristen as diseased now, as does most of the sentient world.  We are not referring to Twihards here – we said sentient, didn’t we.

Rob is being forced to schlepp around a confused and gawky-looking Kristen on this bullshit show of reconciliation and he looks like he wants to punch someone in the mouth – let’s guess whom that might be.

Kristen for her part looked a litter saner than she did the night before outside of Ye Rustic Inn.  In that video the Trampire looked as if she feared Rob would leave her standing there in the parking lot – something he no doubt wanted to do. Yesterday afternoon outside of the restaurant, Kristen’s shorts were undone and falling down. Whether this was supposed to entice a hostile-looking Rob to once again sample her wares or was simply her way of telling Edward that she’ll f**k whomever she pleases, is hard to say.  What’s your guess?  Mine is BOTH!

One thing for sure – you couldn’t find two more miserable looking twenty-something millionaires in California outside of a drug rehab clinic.  If this is Summit’s idea of a putting the showmance back on for all the potential customers of Breaking Dawn Part 2 then they better rethink that plan.  

Perhaps they could hire look-a-likes for Rob and Kristen who could be paid to show some affection?

Check out the pics of the miserable pair at TMZ.
Estoy de acuerdo en todo excepto que Rob está forzado a hacerlo. Ya es mayorcito y sabe muy bien lo que hace. le gusta el dinero fácil y sin mover un dedo. Por lo demás, lleva razón en todo. Rob parece asqueado de tenerla al lado pero ahí está, soportando la mierda por cash. Como ya dije antes, no voy a crear más excusas para él. es tan miserable y rastrero como ella y tenemos las pruebas de lo vendido que es.

Nunca olvidaremos lo entregada y feliz que estaba la adúltera con su director amante. Ahí no necesitaba carabinas.

Reunión de amigos porque no pueden soportar estar solos. Llamada a los paparazzis para que sean testigos y a vender entradas entre las borregas dementes que necesitan esto para ir al cine. Una vez más, Summit ordeña a la vaca apodada Rob-Sten y ellos encantados de que los dejen secos con tal de cobrar. ¿Y así pretenden ser respetados en la industria? jajajajajajajajaja Juguetes rotos y a Gran hermano.

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EDITO: Otro artículo interesante en que muestran como ET vende una cosa y como el video muestra otra. Recalcan como Rob abraza a la chica morena que no es Kristen. Están e el mismo grupo de gente pero no parecen una pareja y apenas hablan. Rob se va a una punta del grupo mientras ella está en la otra. No se sonríen, no muestran complicidad y las caras de culo no pueden pasar desapercibidas. ¿He dicho ya que Rob abraza a alguien que no es su fiel novia?

Como siempre, nos venden lo que no es. Se supone que ellos están juntos pero no han aparecido hasta la semana antes del estreno. Cuando lo hacen, Rob abraza a otra mujer y se ignoran. Sigo destacando la cara de amargados que arrastran. ¿Felices juntos? ¡Ja! Están juntos porque es lo mejor para la película y porque les encanta el dinero fácil.

It’s interesting how we see what we expect to see, what we’ve been told to see, or what we want to see rather than what’s really there.
Anyone who has heard about the video footage posted last night October 15, by ETOnline, which allegedly confirms Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart being back together, should look at that video clip with their own two eyes.
It only takes one look at the actual footage to see the discrepancy between what’s being reported by the media, and what’s really there

It looks like Twilight fans, and anyone else following the Robert Pattinson – Kristen Stewart relationship has been duped again

Forget about what you’ve been told about how the video footage confirms that Rob and Kristen are back together. Take a look at the video clip on the left and see for yourself.
Below is a written description of what you’ll actually see.
After reading the description below, take a look at the video and decide for yourself what it really depicts. It's not what you've been led to believe.
The video shows a group of young people standing outside a bar or a club.
  • As the video opens, Robert Pattinson is seen on the left, with his arm around a young woman with her back to the camera. (No, it’s not Kristen Stewart, as you’ll see later.)
  • Rob is wearing a wearing a baseball cap turned backwards, and what appears to be a plaid work shirt worn open over a white T-shirt underneath.
  • The young woman with Rob has her back to the camera. She has long dark hair and is wearing a short denim jacket over a short loose skirt and has a light colored shoulder bag. OBSERVATION: She sticks pretty close to Rob most of the time.
  • As Rob is standing there with his arm around the young woman a large man approaches, looks back in Kristen’s direction (you’ll later see that Kristen is standing at the far right) and says something in Rob’s ear. OBSERVATION: Maybe telling him that Kristen is there?)
  • Rob immediately looks in Kristen’s direction, and abruptly removes his arm from around the young woman.
  • The large man continues speaking to Rob nods, who then nods like he understands. Then the large man walks back in the direction where Kristen is standing.
  • The woman with Rob takes Rob’s shoulder and gestures in Kristen’s direction. OBSERVATION: Maybe telling him she’s ok with him going over to say hello to Kristen?
  • As the young woman gestures again in Kristen’s direction, Rob moves around to her right. Rob and the young woman appear to briefly hold hands, then stand closer together side by side.
  • Then she moves around to Rob’s right.
  • The big man goes back to the right and appears to say something to Kristen, who has her hair swept to one side and is wearing a white T-shirt.
  • As Rob greets a male friend with a big bear hug on the left, the young woman he was with makes her way over to the right where Kristen Stewart is standing and appears to say something to her.
  • Kristen looks away.
  • The young woman drifts a little closer over to the left where Rob is still standing with friends.
  • Rob then walks very deliberately over to the right where Kristen is standing with her arms folded across her chest.
  • Rob stands about 6 inches away from Kristen and keeps putting his hand up to touch his own face as he talks to her. Rob says something to Kristen with his hand over his mouth, his then drops his arm down to his side.
  • Kristen appears to reach out and rub her hand up and down Rob’s right arm – his left arm is to the camera.
  • Rob leans in slightly closer and says something in the direction of Kristen’s ear. OBSERVATION: To someone else it might appear that Rob leaned over and kissed Kristen on the temple or the side of her head, but I don’t think so.)
  • Kristen glances to the left at the group. Rob glances briefly towards the right then turns slightly away.
  • Rob then turns and walks off toward the right. Kristen follows Rob, not walking beside him, but a couple of feet behind.
Now that you’ve read the description, look at the video clip on the left , and see what you think.
Then compare what you saw with the slideshows below that show Rob and Kristen together when times were good between them.

Observations about the Video of Kristen and Rob
Rob and Kristen are indeed together with a group of friends. But that’s about all that can be said.
They by no means look like a couple who have reconciled – are even a couple who like, or are even interested in each other.
It looks like they were there together because they were ordered to be – or because they just happened to show up at the same place.
By no stretch of the imagination, can what is seen her be called proof that Rob and Kristen are back together. 

They don’t look happy.

They don’t look like they were together.

They look like two people at the same place with mutual friends.

There was no laughing together, no intimate conversation, no cuddling or any of the other things that other media reports described.

Rob showed more interest, affection and attention to the young woman he had his arm around at the beginning of the video clip. (The young woman in the short skirt)
In fact, Rob showed far more attention to the mystery blonde he was seen with last week.

But What about the Pictures of Rob and Kristen Together?
The picture that circulating on the Internet of Rob and Kristen together appears to be a screen shot taken from the video footage described above.  

Fast forward, freeze the frame at 2:31 and have a look for yourself. You’ll see the exact spot the picture was taken from.
Kristen is standing at Rob’s side facing the camera. Rob is facing sideways, looking straight ahead.
Kristen’s head is NOT on Rob’s shoulder
Look at what happens before and after this point.
Kristen did not put her head on Rob’s shoulder, as far as can be seen here.
If that’s what happened, it took place inside the bar, or someplace else - not on the video footage that shown here.
Yes – a picture may indeed be worth a thousand words. But a picture out of context can very easily mislead.

Looks Like We’ve Been Duped Again
When it comes to Kristen’s cheating scandal, the split between Kristen and Rob, and their reported reconciliation – the public, and Twilight fans have been duped again.  

What – if any part of the above is real and what part is fake?
At this point, there’s been so much contradictory and blatantly misleading information that it’s impossible to tell.
We’ll just have to wait and see.

Check Multiple News Sources to Get an Accurate Picture of the News
All of this underscores the point that Twilight fans who rely on a single news source for the latest information about Kristen and Rob can be easily misled.

It pays to check multiple news sources if you want an accurate picture of what happening with Kristen and Rob.
 Si, el fandom lleno de borregas siguen engañados. ¿O no? Las fotos y le video son claros. Son ellas las que deciden ver lo que quieren e inventar el resto. No se tocan, no se miran y Rob abraza a otra mujer. ¡Pero qué normal! En las reuniones de amigos mi marido me abraza a mí, no a otra.

Ellas son felices con las migajas que ellos dan. Son felices inventando el fic de sus vidas. No entiendo la absurda felicidad por un video y unas fotos que muestran el montaje. Y tampoco entiendo como tu felicidad es ver a dos personas que no saben que existes y que te usan para ganar dinero, siendo miserables.

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