jueves, 5 de julio de 2012

Fandom de dementes

Normalmente las retrasadas obsesas de este fandom, se limitan a adolescentes sin aspiraciones en la vida. Pero, por desgracia, hay adultas con hijos que prefieren obsesionarse con un vampiro que atender a sus hijos.

Una mujer mexicana ha estado en la cárcel por no devolver a la biblioteca el primer libro de la saga. Increíble pero cierto. Es tal la obsesión de esta tipa, que prefirió ir a la cárcel que devolver el libro. Esto no es un comportamiento normal y menos en una mujer que se supone que es madura. Está visto que cualquiera puede tener hijos hoy en día....

This New Mexico Mom is Twi-Harder than all the rest!
Waiting in line all night for tickets to Breaking Dawn: Part 2?
Pshhht! Child's play!
If you really cared about Team Jacob or Team Edward, you'd do time for them!
Lori Teel spent a night in an Albuquerque jail earlier this month because she refused to part ways with her public library copy of Twilight!
Well, Lori actually claims she never checked it out in the first place!
Still, she was ordered to appear in court to resolve issue over $35.98 in owed late fees and she never showed up!
Probably at home re-reading her favorite book, riiiight?
That's when a warrant was issued for her arrest for failing to appear in court!!
Lori ended spending a harsh night in a cell because of it all — and they didn't even let her bring her book!
The hardened Mama had this to say:
“Honestly, it was awful. For me, it was very awful because I have never been in trouble for anything in my life…. My kids are still very emotional. They had to stay with a complete stranger. My 3-year-old is traumatized over it. She will not leave my side.”
That does sound traumatic!!
Still, we wonder whether she was sad because she was in jail or sad because they wouldn't allow RPatz or TayTay any conjugal visits!! LOLz!!

Encima tiene el descaro de decir que su hijo de 3 años está traumatizado.... Ahora dirá que la culpa es de los demás. Lo que yo diga, fandom podrido lleno de dementes. Siento mucha lástima por esta mujer que tiene como prioridad la fantasiosa historia de una mormona.

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