domingo, 19 de agosto de 2012

Que siga pidiendo clemencia

Hay gente ridícula que está pidiendo que los medios dejen a Kristen Stewart en paz. Pues bien, aquí tienen una buena respuesta:
I’ve stepped back from commenting on the Robsten situation for a couple of weeks. Honestly, once people with more insight and better writing skills decided to jump in I just decided to read their stuff instead. For someone like me, who has this general interest in celebrity culture, things have been interesting.
Obviously 99% of what is out there is fake and false. Nothing from a tabloid carries truth. Sure US Weekly got one thing right THIS YEAR but they had the photos to back it up. Anything from a source, friend or insider should be considered BS. Plus, so much of it is just an obvious ploy to get readers (duh) by throwing out the “Will he take her back?” or “Kstew drowns herself in Red Bull and weed,” or “Rob Cheated Too!” As much as I wish the last one was true, sadly, most of those are made up in the land of fairy tales because you can put a photo of KStew looking stoned (aka: all photos of KStew) and it makes for an awesome cover.
So this week there was a new shift in attitude about this scandal. Poor Little Kristen Stewart. Jodie Foster started it with her article about how Kristen is a child and everyone should just leave her alone. The best argument against this ridiculous statement can be found here on Lainey Gossip which is not written by Lainey herself because she still can not get her nose unstuck from KStew’s poser ass. Luckily, her friend disagrees and writes the best article ever written about this whole thing yet.
Since Jodie wrote her defense of Kstew people are now tossing around this, why are the tabloids being mean to Kstew argument. She’s just a girl! Rupert is a dirty old man! She didn’t know any better! She never finished high school and just isn’t that smart! (okay no one is saying that one but it’s the best argument IMO.) Lately, C-list celebs have taken to retweeting Jodie’s article and news groups are using it as the basis of this new line of questioning.
So here’s the question: Why are the tabloids being so mean to Kristen Stewart.
They are picking on Kristen because she is a hypocrite.
*scratches chin and looks for my drink*
Do I need to explain this?
I’ll try.
Unfortunately for Kristen Stewart she and her team have spent the last several years convincing us she is amazeballs.  For example, did you know she’s smart and literate (reads books! hard ones!) she’s mouthy and brash (f-you!), she’s a beauty queen, (Paris Fashion Week, Met Gala) she’s athletic (golf anyone?) she’s coy, (My Boyfriend is English), she’s a star (highest paid actress in Hollywood), she’s powerful (Cannes), she independent (who needs heels, when you can wear dirty Chucks?), she’s a victim (her teachers failed her), and she’s a doting girlfriend who wears her boyfriends clothes in that romantic, I want him near me all the time, kind of way.
Why do I know these things?
She told me.
In countless (okay someone can count–I think it’s upward of 15) magazine covers alone this year. I learned all this when she was on my home page promoting SWATH for 3 months before the movie started. I found out these things when I was forced to sit through interviews while watching other shows, reading other blogs, opening my Entertainment Weekly which I’ve had a subscription to since before she was born.
She told us was all these things. A mature adult. She didn’t need school, teachers or friends. She used bad language because it’s who she is. She taunted the paps as much as they taunted her. She  was fierce.
She told us, point-blank, she wanted bad things to happen to her.
So really, you think the tabloids are going to leave that person alone? The one that forced us to see her face and words every time we go to the grocery store. She was created by the media. She is a product of the media, she is the child born of a thousand fangirls and blogs and tumblr accounts.
This is who she is.
So when the media turns on her, the same group that created her and she flips her middle finger at them one day, while getting caught with a MARRIED MAN the next?
Game on.
So sorry if I’m not crying a river over the media showing the other side of the story. The side she didn’t want anyone to see. The one where she isn’t fierce and independent. Or obviously smart (I LOVE HIM!) or the doting girlfriend in her boyfriend’s clothes. In fact, she’s the cheating girlfriend wearing her boyfriend’s hat while she makes out with a MARRIED GUY.
But there you go.
That is why the tabloids are being so mean to Kristen Stewart.
Es una hipócrita. Una hipócrita que sale en revistas, acude a eventos y dice que odia Hollywood. Si lo odiara de verdad, se quedaría en su cueva. Es ella la que maldice y saca el dedo medio. Es ella la que nos quiere vender algo que no es. Es ella la que paga por tener buena prensa. Es ella la que se folla a un hombre casado. ¿Por qué los medios tienen que tener clemencia de ella?

Si es para que le laman el trasero, ella y sus fans están encantadas. Si dicen la verdad, ellas piden privacidad. ¿De qué privacidad hablan? Desde finales de 2009, ella vende una falsa relación con Rob. Habla de él en cada entrevist, usa ropa parecida, ha usado a su perro y ahora quiere privacidad. Se folla a un hombre casado y pretende que la gente diga "Ok, no pasa nada". No pasaría nada si ella no se hubiera vendido en la prensa como la chica normal que es anti Hollywood y que tiene moral y principios. Ya vemos que en sus principios entran ser una niñata borde romehogares. Y se creía super a todos e intocable... Ya era hora de que le bajaran los humos.

Si no le gusta que la gente diga la verdad sobre ella, que se hubiera preocupado en ser mejor persona. Es una víbora que se vende de pena. Que se eduque, que estudie, que respete a los maridos de otras mujeres y que intente no ser tan mala como es. Después de eso, que exija algo. Ella ha vomitado veneno y desprecio contra la prensa y los paparazzis que la han hecho ganar dinero. Ahora que se joda porque no tienen clemencia de alguien tan malo. KARMA.

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