jueves, 23 de agosto de 2012

Kristen y sus desesperados intentos por obtener atención

A mí esta tía me asquea y me divierte a partes iguales. Me asquea por lo rastrera que es y me divierte por lo desesperada que está y lo poco inteligente que es. Dejar el colegio fue lo peor que pudo hacer.

Su equipo está trabajando día y noche en meter más mierda en esta historia. Están jugando la carta de la lástima. Ella cree que manipulando la historia y echando mierda a todo el mundo para quedar como la pobre víctima, le hará ganar la simpatía de la gente. Todo el efecto contrario porque cada día hay más gente que la odia. Rupert es el malo y ella es la pobre chica que no sabía lo que hacía.

Ella era la que presumía de ser fuerte, independiente, madura y responsable. Se folla a un hombre casado y ahora es una niña inmadura que llora todo el día. ¿Esta se cree que somos gilipollas? Cambiar la historia y quitarse las culpas, sólo consigue ser más odiada.

El día de las fotos ella salió del gym y fue a buscar a Rupert. ¿Alguien la obligó? Podía haber dicho que no. Se fueron a ese mirador y vemos como ella sonríe, lo abraza, enlaza sus dedos con los de él y luego se besan y se besan. Hasta ella pone las manos en su cara para atraerlo. ¿Dónde está obligada?

Es una niñata que jugaba a ser mayor antes de madurar. Nos quiso vender que ella era madura desde los 12 años cuando se ha quedado estancada en esa edad. Es una niñita malcriada que tiene 22 años pero que no madura. No se responsabiliza de sus actos. Fuma marihuana, saca el dedo medio y desprecia a todo el mundo. Eso no es madurez. Mackenzie Foy con 10 años menos que ella, demostró educación y madurez en el CC mientras ella hacía el imbécil.

Por eso su equipo su está equivocando porque cada día tiene más gente que la odia. Cada mierda que sale de ella, hace que simtamos más desprecio por ella. Y como no, mete a Rob. Su equipo se ha inventado que Rob está hablando con ella. Él no la odia y la va a perdonar. Incluso dice que sus amigos los apoyan y quieren que vuelvan juntos. ¿Qué amigos? Los amigos de Rob lo quieren lejos de ella. Ya vimos a Bobby Long y a Tom Stu.

Decir que Rob saldrá con ella, es lavar su imagen. Quiere ganarse la simpatía porque si Rob la perdona, tenemos que hacerlo todos. Es que dan tanto asco. Como siempre, ella necesita a Rob para ser famosa. Rob no la ha nombrado ni una sola vez en toda la promo de Cosmopolis y ella lo usa a él. No para de mencionarlo y no para de usar su imagen para recuperar a sus fans. Siempre cae tan bajo...

Mirad esto:
As I covered a bit yesterday, Kristen Stewart is super, super-sad. Unbelievably sad. Spiraling into a depression. It might even be true. Or it might be some PR positioning to generate sympathy. Or both, really. As we already discussed, Kristen is allegedly “crying herself to sleep” and her friends fear that she is having some kind of “meltdown”. Most of the stories seem to be originating from this week’s “How Kristen Is Doing” story in Us Weekly. Well, I got the chance to read the whole story… and I’m still not able to bring myself to find her sympathetic. Like, at all. Do I think she deserves such far and wide condemnation? Of course not. But I also don’t think she’s particularly sympathetic either. More highlights from Us Weekly’s story:
*Kristen “can’t do anything. She is really so distraught.”
*But! Rob is “finally listening.” An insider says, “They are talking. Rob doesn’t hate her and he’s not mad… he just doesn’t get why she did it.” The question plagues him even as he keeps his cool through awkward interviews. Adds the insider, “He loves her and thinks about her constantly.”
*So what does Kristen tell Rob? “She insists that she and Rupert Sanders never had sex” and that Sanders pursued HER. “Rupert’s manipulative,” says the insider. “She didn’t go after this guy – he sought her out and she stupidly went for it.”
*Still, she’s pragmatic: “The heartache with Rob is so much to bear, but Kristen has always valued her career. She doesn’t want this to jeopardize her future in acting.”
*Rob is selling the Los Feliz home they shared. “He said there are too many memories.”
*Rob and Kristen’s friends think they’ll get back together eventually. “Right now their relationship isn’t defined. Rob’s dealing with a lot of indecision, but their mutual friends think they will get back together. Kristen, after all, has said she wants to have his children.” As for Rob, “He’s a great guy. This truly isn’t the end of them.”
[From Us Weekly, print edition]
The thing that caught my eye is the now-constant blame-shift onto Rupert Sanders. HE IS THE BAD MAN, Team Kristen has been saying. He manipulated her! He’s older! He’s powerful! She’s an idiot and he took advantage of her! He came on to her! Once again, she’s an idiot! She’s not to blame because she’s just a dumb kid! And of course, the ever important claim: THEY NEVER SLEPT TOGETHER. You know what? Stop it, Team Kristen. I have no problem believing that Rupert Sanders is a bad dude, a sleaze, a dirtbag, a manipulative POS. But Kristen really needs to own her sh-t. It takes two to tango, even if the tango partner is an idiot.
Meanwhile, Radar has a funny little story about how this scandal is making Kristen a more spiritual person. A source told Radar, “Kristen is trying to find some inner peace within herself. And she is reading a lot… Strangely enough, the one author that has really been resonating with her is Gandhi, who she decided to find out more about after watching Eat, Pray Love. She began reading a biography of his life, then turned to Gandhi’s own writing because she was seeking solace. The quote that particularly stands out for her is, ‘The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.’ While she doesn’t know if Rob could forgive her, that statement has tempered her own regret. The remorse she has isn’t completely gone, but Gandhi’s words have certainly helped her find peace with the whole situation. Kristen isn’t beating herself up over it, she’s accepted that everyone makes mistakes and she has to learn from it.” OMG. GIRL, DO NOT INVOKE THE MAHATMA’S GOOD NAME IN YOUR STUPID TWIHARD SCANDAL.
Ahora lee a Gandhi. Joder... Cada día es más patética. Pasa de 50 shades a Gandhi. Es una vergüenza que ella y su equipo usen esto. Otra mentira más como que ella y Rupert no tuvieron sexo o solo fue ese día. Más mentiras como que ella es madura y responsable. No se cansa de mentir. El completo de Pinocho de esta adúltera es tan grande como su ego. Ya me veo a las enfermas buscando el libro para obtener esa frase.

La gente está harta de ella y de su mierda. Desde 2009 con sus aires de diva y sacando su dedo medio. Ahora quiere la lástima y la compasión de la gente. La gente no quiere más mierdas de esta niñata. La gente quiere que se esconda en su agujero y salga dentro de 1 año o tal vez 2. No obtiene compasión sino más odio.

El papel de pobre víctima es lo peor que puede hacer pero es lo único que ella sabe hacer. Es muy patética. Esto son algunos comentarios sobre lo que la gente piensa de ella:
Personal responsibility. What is it?
Girl needs to own her bad decision and accept everything that is coming at her. Trying to deflect the blame as though she was vulnerable and taken advantage of is insulting to Rob, Liberty, her children, and the general public at large. It is so obviously a ploy, and so obviously not in-line with the image she has been desperately trying to project throughout her entire career. Strong, independent, smart, edgy, hardcore, mature beyond her years… these are not qualities of a wide-eyed ingenue who gets seduced by the big mean forty-something married father (who is not even hot, btw)…. these are the qualities of like, I don’t know, some idiot like Swifty. Although after all these stories coming out, methinks Swifty may not be as much of an idiot as I thought before…
Anyway, I would have so much more respect for her if she would just own it. *I* made a bad decision. *I* destroyed my relationship. *I* chose to pick him up and hook up in the backseat of a Mini Cooper. These were decisions *I* made, and *I* accept the repurcussions, but I will continue to do my job. Take it or leave it.
It wouldn’t make me like her any more, but I would respect that stand much more than this one.

+1, KStew’s team just needs to be quiet. RS didn’t force her, as is obvious from the photos. This idea that she’s was easily manipulated makes her look less than smart and shows that she and her team think that the public is easily manipulated by their stance that KStew is a victim.

It’s embarrassing. Seriously.
She literally asked for all this, because she
1. cheated in public and
2. stated in an interview that she wants to be fucked up by life,
because her own life would be too easy and smooth….how stupid is that!!
Plus she told everyone what an old soul she is and how mature and far above over her peers – and now he persuaded her, like a little girl?!!
Doesn’t she have friends who call her out for all this bullshit??

So, her PR-team is actually telling us we can do what ever we want and if other people don’t forgive us, well – they are weak!??
What a message.

“Kristen, after all, has said she wants to have his children.” As for Rob, “
LOL this is surely bs or Team Kristen. So she wants his children and that’s why they should be together again? Bulls-t.
Oh and this: “‘The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.’ While she doesn’t know if Rob could forgive her, that statement has tempered her own regret. Kristen isn’t beating herself up over it, she’s accepted that everyone makes mistakes and she has to learn from it.”
First: The forgiveness statement is just YOUR excuse, and second do not mix up Gandhi in you f-king mess. Third, don’t temper your regrets. You were conscious of the situation, that he had wife and kids, so the ‘naive’ act is just dumb. It’s not like he did it while you were sleeping, Kris, and you seemed pretty happily cuddling with him -never seen her smile like that by the way- LOL.
Everyone makes mistakes so it’s fine if I cheated and admitted it (because I was papd) -> That’s how I read it.
She is pissing me off more and more. Better to shut it if you don’t want anymore haters.

Enough of blaming others and playing victim Trampire.
Who is dumb enough to believe she didn’t fuck him?
And once again Pattinson is portryed as her lovsick doormat worshipping to her feet. Just like Edward to his Bella.
Her PR team wants to make her some desirable woman who can do anything and men would still want her but she is just a narcissist, egomaniac, immature spoiled HW actress.

Because she is a trampire. She is a brat. She plays the victim’s game. So pathetic… She should rid the world of her presence. She has never been Rob’s girlfriend. Everything was a circus to sell Twilight and we’re seeing. She does not exceed that people have seen how she really is. This is the real Kristen Stewart. 
Y como estos hay mucho más. La gente está quemada y Kristen debería dejar ya de crear tanta mierda y de arrastrar a Rob a ella. Nadie se cree que no follara con Rupert y nadie se cree que ella no lo buscara. Tampoco nadie se cree que solo fue ese día. Cada día es más patética.

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