domingo, 13 de mayo de 2012

Kristen Stewart está mentalmente desequilibrada

No he leído la entrevista entera pero me han pasado un link donde hablan lo perturbada que está.
Since she is one of the most talked about people on the Net, and as i am also curious, I went in search of the interview to see what the big deal was. And Boy! Did I get more than I bargained for.

I would be interested to see/read what me co-bloggers think of that piece of journalism - and what YOU think. But there are my thoughts.

This was an uncomfortable read. Disturbing even. I will however dive back into in and give you a play-by-play of my thoughts.

In case it's needed, let's set up the "stage" quickly: 22 year-old actress, browsing books in a Sunset Boulevard bookstore, talking about her tastes and general topics.

Interview opens. Not much going on, fairly general stuff, including describing how she is dressed.

First distrubing point: reference to the book "Lie Down in Darkness". What does she say about it?

"I want to play Peyton more than anything I can possibly taste or touch in my life. I want to play her so bad. Peyton is bright, beautiful, suicidal narcissist, preyed upon by her father. But Stewart, 22, sees it as more complicated than that. “Oh, dude, she fuckin’ loves it! She’s in love with him. I mean, I think she’s in love with him. It’s not his fault. They’re the most fucked-up family!”

Let's keep in mind her fanbase shall we? Young, impressionable girls, starting around the 12 year-old mark, who not only worship her, but eat up all her words and thoughts.


Let's move on. In the context of the interview, she then say "I love young girls". The way it is expressed, at that specific point in the article, just sounds creepy!

We then move on to her exclaming "Oh my God, my fucking boyfriend just did this movie,” she says, referring to Robert Pattinson while pulling down a copy of Bel Ami.

What can we say about this? Well, how convenient that a copy of Bel-Ami just happened to be on the shelf she was browsing. Such a coincidence!! Then the whole "fucking boyfriend" issue. Couple of things about that. What a class act referring to your boyfriend as "fucking" - sorry, but I don't buy the whole "enthusiasm" angle! Then for someone who claims at every opportunity that she will NEVER talk about her private life that is quite a leap. She won't acknowledge it because "she owns what she owns" yet, her "fucking boyfriend" makes an appearance in her speech.

Even more amusing is that the following paragraph of the interview starts with "Stewart’s private life is a no-fly zone. She’s known to shoot down inquiries with a death-beam stare and vaporizing replies." Yeah, obviously...

Not much going on then for a few paragraphs. Then "Disturba" hits again. Here is the extract:

"Drifting over to the graphic novel section, Stewart gasps at seeing Black Hole.
“This fucking store is like kismet!” she says. “I want to do this movie!” The book, about a sexually transmitted plague, “is disgusting, so gross,” Stewart enthuses. “I love the first image” – she turns to a completely black page with a white vagina-shape opening in the center – “a slit. You just grow, like, holes in your body. The imagery is so weird. See” – she flips to another page – “he’s looking at her hand and soon there’s gonna be a little mouth in there. It’s so sexual the desire is so fucking palpable, but it feels so dirty, like [the characters] are so ashamed because they’re diseased, they’re literally getting these holes.”

Are words needed really? I don't think so.

The article then moves on to the SWATH director and co-star talking about her dedication and how wonderful she is because she has the best ideas. Blah-blah-blah. Typical promo stuff.

She continues browsing books, heading for the Bukowski work.
She then briefly mention her parents, childhood, school years.

As you might known, she had previously talked down on those school years, saying "My teachers failed me" and generating some interesting comments from the Internet community. She then brings up another point that made me go WTF! Here it is:

"I feel boring. I feel like, Why is everything so easy for me? I can’t wait for something crazy to fucking happen to me. Just life. I want someone to fuck me over!"

Really? You're complaining about success, an easy life, gaining more money than you know what to do with, being thought highly of, living the high life?... I am sure than those who are going through rough times or strugglinh to make it through a single day feel your pain...

So which other parts who she like to play? A nice comedy, a heartfelt character?... Of course not!

"She picks East of Eden’s Cathy, the murderous mother who abandons her twins to run a brothel. As Stewart puts it, “She’s a psychopathic, evil c–t! I haven’t done that yet.” And how much fun would that be?"

More book talk takes place - I'll spare you as it's just boring stuff.

Upoen leaving the book store, the journalist gets into Kristen's rental car - apparently she cannot drive her own anymore for fear of paparazzi... Yeah... And if you wonder how careful she is with her thing, here is the decsription of what the interior of the car is like:

"Scattered on the passenger side floor are a pair of plaid Van sneakers, an empty protein drink, a Coca-Cola can, and a plastic to-go container with a half eaten sandwich covered in mold. A nearly empty Snapple sits in the cup holder, cigarette buds floating in it."

The article continues with another high for the "Robsten lovers", which once again is the complete opposite of what she claims she does - aka protect her privacy at all cost. Judge for yourselves:

"And the gold ring circling her index finger? “Everyone wants to know,” Stewart says slyly. She shakes her head. “Everyone knows already – it’s ridiculous.”

Doesn't that sound very much like what she did a year ago during another interview? When she pulled out her iPod to look through her picture and show a private photo of hers with "a handsome young man"? Yet she was also fiercely protecting her private life...

The interview ends in style with a few chosen curse words aimed at a fellow driver, which the journalist finds endearing.

Like I said, disturbing interview. Love of young girls, love of disturbed situations, weird sexual impulses...

If I was a parent, I would NOT want my child to read this piece. This shows some problems underlying in that person's personality.

Va a una librería y casualmente encuentra el libro "Money", que es uno de los favoritos de Rob y dice que lo usa como papel higiénico. Pero, ¡que casualidad! Al lado de "Money" está "Bel Ami". Pero que pequeño es el mundo.... Por supuesto, ella no habla de su privacidad pero dice que la película la acaba de hacer su JODIDO novio y que a los franceses no les gusta. Pedazo de perra siempre echando mierda sobre Rob. Que cuente que los fans de Kerouac no la quieren como Marylou y deje de hablar de otros. Como vemos, habla en presente. Rob no acaba de hacer Bel Ami y tampoco acaba de estrenarla, que es lo que tendría sentido.

Menos mal que no habla de su vida privada y que si ella sale con Rob o no, no era de interés público. ¿Ahora ya sí lo es? ¿Ya no es su vida privada? Jajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaja Hipócrita a tiempo completo.

Luego sigue hablando de más libros en los que maldice e insulta, nada nuevo. Dice que le gustan las chicas jóvenes y eso demuestra lo perturbada que está y lo lesbianísima que es. Después hablan de SWATH y, como no, ella es la mejor que ha hecho posible que la película salga a adelante. Creo que le van a montar una iglesia por ser tan santa y altruísta aunque hablando del libro anterior, ha demostrado ser una obsesa sexual.

Sigue con el trillado cuento de que sus profesores fueron malos con ella y toda esa mierda victimista y asquerosa de siempre. Luego dice que su vida es muy fácil y que quiere que alguien se la joda... Un psiquiatra para esta payasa porque las cosas que dicen son digna de medicación fuerte y tratamiento.

Salen de la librería y se montan en el coche alquilado de la Kirkis. Sí, coche alquilado porque la prensa le sigue... ¿Desde cuándo no vemos fotos de la Kirkis en LA y de día? Desde julio del año pasado. Pobrecita... La prensa la sigue y la prensa la viola. ¡Pero si no te sigue nadie, desgraciada!

Eso sí, alquilado pero comida de mierda con botellas de refresco, colilas y comida con moho. Si es que sus hábitos de higiene son tan inexistentes, que ella huele a moho. Tiene que haber hongos por todo el coche.

La periodista le pregunta por el anillo del dedo índice. Que yo sepa, es el dedo entre el pulgar y el corazón, ese que tanto enseña. Dice que ya todo el mundo sabe sobre ese tema. Si es un regalo de Rob, lo que ella quiere dar a entender, ¿por qué no dice su nombre? ¿Antes dice mi JODIDO novio y ahora, no es capaz de decir su nombre? Claro que todo el mundo sabe de ese tema y podemos tirar de archivo de manera rápida. Ella conoció a Rob después de Adventureland. ¿Cómo es posible que lo llevara en septiembre de 2007 si Adventureland se hizo en ese mismo invierno? ¿No puedes decir que te lo regaló Michael, ese chico del que hablabas tan bien?

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Esta tía lo que está es loca. Ya no sabe que más hacer para obtener atención. Le gustan las mujeres jóvenes y le va el sexo raro. Tiene un coche comido de mierda y habla de Rob en cada entrevista. ¿Quién hablaría de ella sino hubiera mencionado a Rob?

Está desesperada por atención y po vender el truñaco de SWATH jajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaja Patética y miserable, como siempre.

Kirkis, las cosas se demuestran. Mientras Roberto evita hablar de ti, tú le nombras a cada segundo. Me parece perfecto que digas que es tu novio, justo cuando Ian y Nina ya hablan abiertamente de su relación, pero las cosas de demuestran. ¿De qué vale que repitas su nombre como loro, si luego vuestra actitud es más que obvia? Normal que Clare no te soporte.

En serio, aburres demasiado pero te gradecemos que nos sigas dando la razón. Vende tu película que "Cali" ya no tendrá el soporte de tu JODIDO novio. Quién ríe el último, ríe mejor y Rob se va a descojonar en tu cara.

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