martes, 15 de mayo de 2012

Rob-Sten Pattinson Life, de nuevo

Las de ese blog son tan enfermas que ya no saben que más hacer para demostralo. Ellas necesitan meter a la Kirkis en todo lo que publican así que no sé para qué le ponen el nombre de Rob a ese vertedero. Mirad lo que han publicado:
Rob talks Cosmopolis and competing with On The Road in Cannes
Robert Pattinson, 26, stars as a Wall Street banker in David Cronenberg's Cosmopolis, shot primarily in the back of his character's giant white limousine — where Pattinson's banker has a tryst with 48-year-old French actress Juliette Binoche. Pattinson then does Efron one better.

"There's a scene where I'm seducing (another woman) naked, while having a prostate exam in the back of a limousine. People don't really see that very often in movies," Pattinson says with a laugh. "You do what you can to surprise people."


The red carpet lineup also will feature Twilight's golden couple, Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. This time they are going head-to-head, with Stewart starring in the competition film On the Road.

"I'm already making excuses," Pattinson jokes about their friendly festival competition.

But for these two weeks, it's not all about winning the contest, but enjoying the glitz in the South of France.

"There is really something glamorous about Cannes," Pattinson says. "It's the bow ties and the way the festival holds onto the glamour. People really make an effort."
¿Sólo dice eso sobre competir con OTR? ¿Sólo eso? Entonces, ¿por qué ponen ese título? Oh sí, porque necesitan manipular cada cosa y hacer como que Rob habla de la Kirkis en todo momento.

Rob solo dice una frase y por eso, el título tiene que ser mencionando OTR y, por tanto, a la Kirkis jajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaja Pero que mamarrachas son. Mueren por el circo y se les va la vida con él. Tan patéticas como siempre. Una vergüenza que usen el nombre de Roberto para publicar su mierda y su desesperación.

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