sábado, 5 de mayo de 2012

Crítica al trailer de SWATH

Todos sabemos que SWATH es un pobre intento de superprodcción que intenta copiar a El señor de los anillos. Abuso de efectos especiales y una cuento de hadas que no lo es. Una Reina mucho más guapa que Blancanieves y más efectos especiales.

Esta es la crítica sobre la película. Obviamente no voy a poner la fuente para que las enfermas no vayan a acosar, como hacen siempre. Dice que No entiende el sacar 2 películas de Blancanieves en tan poco tiempo y por qué hacen una versión de la historia cuando no tiene nada que ver con la historia. Se supone que las versiones, siempre tienen algo de la historia original. Mucho GCI y no muy bien hecho y el intento de atraer a los fans de la Kikis a la taquilla. También intenta atraer a los hombres con las batallas pero no lo consiguen. Lo que destaca es que el acento inglés del que tanto hablan, brilla por su ausencia. El único inglés es Sam y es el único que lo tiene. Pero claro, el acento inglés hay que venderlo para que las enfermas crean que Roberto se lo enseñó a la Kikis y vayan al cine.
What on Earth is going on in Hollywood? First there are the remakes of movies that were first released 5 years ago, then "iconic" tv shows from the 80's & 90's are brought to the big screen with - more often than not - little success, and now it's cartoons that are given the "human actors" treatment. Is that wasn't enough, 2012 sees 2 movies based on the same Disney story: Snow White.
A few months ago, it was the bubble-gum version "Mirror, Mirror" that hit the screens. June will see version #2 "Snow-White & the Huntsman".
The first thing the people involved in this take on the fairy-tale, is that it is NOT a fairy-tale, and that you should forget what you know of Snow-White.
This brings the question: what's the point of doing a Snow-White story, if it's not Snow-White inspired?? Is there such a lack of characters names around that the Studio felt they had to pick these ones? When you buy a "hamburger" which is based on a hamburger, you expect it to taste and be like a hamburger. You don't want a corn-dog.
So what does this Trailer has to offer? Well, we have all the main Snow-White characters: the Queen, Snow-White herself, the Mirror, the Dwarves, the Prince... And the Huntsman - not so well known in the family oriented Disney film.
CGI plays an important part in the movie is the Trailer is to be believed. It is used in virtually every scene shown in this two-and-a-half-minute feature. In fact, the movie should be filed under the Fantasy category rather than Action and Adventure. Watching the trailer, there is a very clear inspiration taken from Peter Jackson's "Lord of the Rings", and comparisons will be unavoidable. Also, it seems Director Rupert Sanders didn't shake his "Alice in Wonderland" coat fully before embarking on this project. But more ont his a bit later on.
Charlize Theron as the Evil Queen gives an ice-maiden performance that is borderline caricature - listen tot her calling upon the Mirror for instance. And one could be forgiven for thinking that it's the Statue of Liberty that has been dipped in a milk/pain bath, as you see the Queen emerge from her little dip in her pool-size bathtub. As for the part where the life is literally being sucked out of the women perceived as a threat by the Queen, it looks like a little je-ne-sais-quoi might be missing in terms of intensity in that scene.
The Trailer obviously displays some action scenes - always a good way to try and attract a more masculine audience. But are they convincing enough? And can those action sequences maintain credibility throughout the whole movie? The use of CGI will undoubtedly be a big help, but that is not enough. And let's not forget that too much of a good thing usually results in disastrous results. There is also the matter of dedicated actors not being able to hold the boat afloat if the material they're sailing on isn't substantial enough. And plot wise, well, it looks a bit weak.

As mentioned above, the Trailer shows that Director R. Sanders was somehow still in "Alice in Wonderland" mode when working on "Snow-White". As proof, have a look at the part where Snow-White walks into an enchanted forest looking like someone who is in the middle of a drug-induced hallucinating moment. The colours, the atmosphere, the textures even are very much "Alice". That particular scene looks odd, almost out of place in this Trailer. Everything is in grey tones, a bit rough - except for the flash-back scenes. Then Bam! you move onto this fantasy world before being taken back to the grey side.

As a whole, this movie should not fear a big failure at the Box-Office. First of all, Universal can count on Stewart's fans to flock to the cinemas like the birds on the Queen's coat. Then of course there is the curiosity factor that will play a part.
Unfortunately though, in terms of quality of the movie, using well known characters as well as having horses running alongside the sea-shore, throwing in battles here and there - including against alien creatures, English accents (debatable ones at that), clichés and stereotypes are not enough to garner recognition.
 Average is what the Trailer leads one to expect for the "Snow-White".

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