jueves, 2 de mayo de 2013


Supposed sweethearts Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are only together because of a "Twilight" contract they agreed to, a report revealed on Wednesday, May 1. 
Apparently, the only reason Rob and Kristen have been spotted everywhere together lately, is because they signed a contract with the "Twilight" movies honchos to appear as a couple, Hollyscoop revealed. 
According to the site, a piece of "blind gossip" made the rounds recently stating as much, saying that Rob's "contract does obligate him to make public appearances with her, and he is not going to be the one to break their contract. That's why you still see pictures of them on 'dates'..." 
The statement continued, adding that Rob "will be getting on a plane to Europe very soon, and is scheduled to start shooting a new film in April, so he hopes he won't have to see her again for a while. He really likes being as far away from her as possible." 
While this information hasn't been confirmed, it sounds like it could be possible. Rob and Kristen have been seen together a lot in the last two months, but both appear subdued and not very happy. Most shots of the young couple show Rob's hand loosely by his side as Kristen tries to half-hold it in hers. Not a good sign... 
Meanwhile, other reports claim that Kristen is super happy with Rob and even intends to marry him soon. Not sure if this is just someone's wishful thinking reporting, or if the "On the Road" actress is really that delusional about her relationship... (x)
No es ningún secreto que todo es un montaje más de los cientos que se hacen. No saben actuar y son muy descarados. Fotos toodos y cada uno de los días demuestran desesperación y mucho tiempo libre, por no hablar de 0 trabajos. Dan mucha pena. Son unos bufones y todos se burlan de ellos.

Es muy triste tener que ocultar tu vida privada y no poder comportarte como una persona normal porque tienes que venderte 24/7 para seguir en los medios cutres.

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