martes, 4 de septiembre de 2012

¡ZAS! En toda la boca, Kristen

La portada para Vogue UK sale en el peor momento, sobre todo si la promocionan como que ella halá del amor y vivir preligrosamente.

Para Kristen vivir peligrosamente es no ducharse en meses, fumar marihuana y follar con tu director. Encima se permite el lujo de hablar del amor. ¡Menos mal que ella odia hablar de cosas privadas! Esta entrevista fue hecha antes de ser pillada con Rupert, o eso se comenta. Por lo que la adúltera no pensaba ser pillada y continúa contando sus pajas mentales. Lo que sí tenemos claro es que cuando habla de amor, habla de Rupert, con el que ha mantenido una relación desde el verano pasado.
Kristen Stewart Talks Love, Living Dangerously; But a Bust at Both. Vogue UK Interview Embarrassing After Cheating Scandal

Kristen Stewart is still benefiting from pre-cheating public relations momentum. She’ll cover the October issue of Vogue magazine’s UK edition. But the thrust of the story “on love and living dangerously” seems, shall we say, awkward?
Stewart, 22, was riding a wave of positive energy from her appearance at the Cannes Film Festival in May and the upbeat coverage she received while filming and promoting “Snow White and the Huntsman.”

Magazine cover stories are usually assigned months in advance. Stewart’s opinions on love and living dangerously were worthwhile enough as interview subjects back then, given the feminist slant of her Snow White character and her free-spirited, sexually liberated role in “On the Road.”
But that was before the scandal. We know now that Stewart is a bust at both love and living dangerously.

Her callous treatment of her devoted and trusting boyfriend Robert Pattinson shows she knows nothing about the meaning of love. He was not only blindsided by her affair with Snow White director Rupert Sanders, but she apparently deceived him for weeks, if not months.
And, the fact that she was so clumsy about fu*king around shows she knows nothing about living dangerously. If she truly had a feel for living on the edge, she wouldn’t have gotten caught. After all, that’s the very definition of living dangerously; doing dangerous things and not suffering the consequences.

Yet, she was exposed in the most humiliating way possible; in flagrante by a tabloid magazine that blasted an intrepid paparazzi’s photos on its cover. She might just as well have run naked down Hollywood Blvd., screaming what a fu*ker she is.

Of course, none of this is surprising. You may recall, after the first “Twilight” movie in 2008; her popularity was soaring and she was idolized by tweens and teens everywhere. Yet she was photographed casually smoking dope in public on her apartment building stoop, as if she’d just finished her shift at the local Seven-Eleven.
Kristen has said in interviews that she hates that image of herself. What must she think now?

Oddly, the cover photo is pure Hollywood. Stewart dazzles in a floral dress by Gucci. Her expression, though, looks uncertain and slightly pained. Was she harboring feelings of guilt over her still secret affair? Check it out.
Como vemos, la gente está harta de ella. La gente la odia y ella se dedica a suplicar por atención en las portadas. Fuma marihuana, se folla a su director durante un año y tiene la poca vergüenza de hablar del amor.

Ha roto una familia, ¿qué valores tiene esta niñata? Ninguno. Se cree menos que nadie. Se cree superior y cree que puede hacer y decir lo que quiera sin consecuencias. Una niáta malcriada que es adulta pero no tiene madurez.

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Well done! About time someone was brave enough to write a article on the REAL Kristen Stewart.
For those who cannot spell or write clearly. Rob was devoted, it was obvious by the way he looked at her and he was constantly praising her in interviews. Why should he take back someone who clearly didn’t care enough about him? Kristen made a choice to cheat it was not a mistake!

I rarely agree with your articles fishing for attention. And this is in no way trying to hate on Kristen bu this is the most accurate story on the upcoming article that’s coming out. Her talking about love and living dangerously from someone who obviously needs a how-to in both areas is a misfire. I know they’re trying to garner attention which will work. But this was the worst, amateured attempt at an affair ever. And love seems to be a challenge for her as well as honesty.

I saw the cover and read “on love and living dangerously” and immediately facepalmed myself. This chick is so full of herself tha it isn’t even funny. She thinks she’s the best thing ever and so cool. I say this reality check was needed for her. The fame was going to her head.

 LOVE IT!! Obviously all the history of her and Rob was a circus to sell Twilight. No photos of them kissing in three years. Nor is there any pictures of them dinner or walking. All photos are with her publicists and agents, never alone. PR, it's obvious.

Kristen is an immature. She thinks she is God and she believes she can do whatever she wants. Publicity and attention she needs and she loves the fame. She maintains a relationship for a year with Rupert. She is a faker. She's a brat. She deserves all the hate she gets. And her fans are here, she smoked marijuana on her porch. Yes, is her porch but it's marijuana. She loves drugs. She is a S-L-U-T. She is an adulteress who fucks with a married man.
 La gente ve lo egocéntrica que es y como la realidad es que ella no merece la pena. Ya estamos hartos de que nos impornga su miserable cara y de que toda su mierda llenen las revistas. El mundo está harto de ella. El mundo quiere perderla de vista pero ella venga revistas y venga eventos. Esta se muere sin publicidad y muere por fama. Es un cliché de Hollywood. No le queda nada que llorar todavía...

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